Thursday 2 August 2012

Tom Hardy Transformation

It was a shocker to me, when I discovered that the man who played the brilliant Bane from 'The Dark Knight Rises' in batman was in fact Tom Hardy. It completely blew me away, considering that he once looked like this (Figure 1). It apparently took him three months to transform himself into the impressive figure of Bane (Figure 2).
Figure 1
Figure 2

 This does not seem to be the first time Hardy has pulled of this trick, as he built himself up to a similar level of strength back in 2008 for his lead role in the motion picture 'Bronson'


All of this is done to demonstrate the plausibility of self improvement for an individual. You may not wish to look like this, but you can see clearly the level of change undergone by Tom Hardy in so doing giving himself a whole new body type.

Here is a video of him training for the role of Bronson. It helps to show the type of excercises he used to bulk up.

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