Thursday 1 October 2015


Wow, time flies. So much so that it is almost embarrassing to begin writing again. I think it is time for this blog to be upgraded into something so much more. Until now it has essentially been a dumping ground for all my abstract thoughts and ideas. I believe it is time to streamline this online forum into something much more streamline, consistent, and intellectual in content.

Keep an eye out for new changes, it will be nice bring this blog out from obscurity. Time to blow of the dust, brush off the cobwebs and make it shiny.

See you soon!

Thursday 20 June 2013

What Makes A Good Writer?

Assuming a writer has grasped the fundamental pre-requisites of grammar, vocabulary and syntax, he or she needs to possess the linguistic dexterity and subject knowledge in order to provide a coherent, comprehensive piece of literature. Ultimately a writer acts as a communicative medium from writer to reader through their craft, thus the content of the writing must be engaging at a personal level. It is quite possible that the material that the writer is addressing has been covered before by some other writer or academic, however that does render the task redundant as the allure of a writer lies in their own interpretation on things. That interpretation is a reflection of a writer’s personality, therefore quite often the qualities attributed to a good writer stems from a quirky or entertaining personality. Further, I often find that a writer’s genuine enthusiasm for literature and language, and whatever they write about helps to grant them the title of being a good writer.

Tuesday 11 June 2013

Beardyman at his best

Beardyman recently publishes a video demonstrating his immense talent in music titled 'facial pottery' Darren Loves Victoria apparently

Sunday 14 April 2013

Top 10 Jokes of the Day

  1. Margaret Thatcher's final wish was to be cremated

    Unfortunately, we've got no coal left.
  2. I just watched a documentary about Margaret Thatcher.

    It had the warning 'May Not be Suitable For Miners'.
  3. Why did the chicken cross the road?

    To escape North Korea's long range missiles
  4. What do you get if you cross Alzheimers with Tourettes?

    I don't know you cunt, I can't fucking remember.
  5. Someone keeps knocking at my door wanting to demonstrate a new vacuum cleaner!

    Must be Jehoover's Whitness.
  6. Why do cannibals prefer to eat Emos?

    They come pre-sliced.
  7. I've written a book about sexism.

    It even has pictures, so women can enjoy it too.
  8. Whoever said, "Laughter is the best medicine", never suffered from erectile dysfunction.
  9. I was at a cash machine when an old lady asked to check her balance.

    So I pushed her over.
  10. When people with lisps say "Bithneth", you know they mean business.

Sunday 17 March 2013

Pic of the Day

This empyreal eventide is sure to entice your spectral palet. A sunset scene from Lampeter, Wales.

Reggie Watts

Upon my digital perambulations, I stumbled across the genius of Reggie Watts. This guy merges beatboxing, comedy and looping intro a genre that is truly his own. Take a look

I particularly enjoy the way he can ease himself between different accents in such a flawless and believable manner. He has a surprisingly good voice too.

Tuesday 1 January 2013

Jokes of the New Year

It's New Year, so for all of you who spend it alone on the computer, these are for you!

  • Apple will be releasing a new gadget exclusively for women later this year.
    It's called the iRon.

  • I've thought long and hard, and have decided on my New Year's resolution.


  • My daughter has some flawless logic.

    She said "The world can't end in 2012; I have a yoghurt that expires in 2013."

  • I'll remember 2012 like it was only yesterday 

  • I'm planning on finding new and interesting things to hate about my job in 2013. 

  • Just heard that in 2013 there will be a new device that can turn thoughts into speech. I have had that for years, it’s called alcohol. 

  • It's a good job Apple isn't in charge of New Year. 

    We'd all be expecting 2013 and get 2012S instead.

  • My 2013 new years resolution shall be something meaningful this year. 
          I resolve to work with neglected children... my own.